
Commitment to creating a sustainable and
prosperous rural economy is a driving force for Carbon AMS.

What will an AD facility do for my local community?

As well as providing considerable employment during the construction phase, in the long-term each facility will provide employment opportunities in varied roles from operations to administration to managerial roles.

What matters

Local farmers 

Farming is the backbone of rural communities. We provide opportunities for local farmers to build an alternative enterprise and safeguard their income without drastically changing the way they farm. 

Local Schools 

We provide local schools with the opportunity to bring students to the site to learn how energy is made and gain an understanding of the biomethane industry in Ireland, which aims to support the prosperity and sustainability of rural communities. 

Local suppliers 

Local building, machinery, agricultural and equipment suppliers will benefit from a unique, new market. 

Local graduates 

We provide graduates from agricultural, science, engineering and business backgrounds the opportunity to work in an innovative, renewable industry in their local area while also getting to travel to see new technologies and innovations. 

Local small business 

There are wider benefits for all local businesses, from the café providing lunch for the workers on-site to the hardware shop supplying materials and parts. 

Local industry 

Local industrial companies need to decarbonise their business. Renewable gas is the only way for some local industries to achieve this ensuring these industries continue to operate sustainably and create employment for years to come.

Local contractors 

Local agricultural contractors are key to the success of each of our facilities. We work with local contractors to help us source, grow and harvest our feedstock and to ensure all local farmers have an opportunity to get involved in these projects

Local young people 

We create opportunities for local young people through summer jobs and internships. These jobs come in the form of work experience from local schools, summer harvest jobs with local contractors as well as apprenticeships and internships with our on-site science and engineering teams. 

Local organisations, clubs, and societies 

Carbon AMS aim to work with as many local organisations, clubs, and societies to enable them to continue the great work they do for local communities. We offer support in terms of sponsorship, provision of skills and knowledge and hosting charity events to name a few. We are always open to new ideas for ways we can get involved. 

Get in touch

We’re here to answer all your queries